Product Spotlight: Locomotive Solutions
This month’s product spotlight is our Locomotive Series of industrial remote controls.
Plus Enabled Technology utilizes a secure digital frequency hopping radio link that offers critical feedback to the operator in control.
Our MU&Go®plus+™ is a single cabinet transportable receiver for multi-unit equipped locomotives, ideal for fleet locomotive operations.
The MU&Go®plus+™ is a perfect solution for load out customers that may not own their own locomotives. The receiver weighs less than 85 pounds and is easily set up in 12 minutes on any locomotive that is MU capable.
Housed in a single enclosure, the receiver requires no modifications to the locomotives and has 3500 feet of range without the use of repeaters.
Locomotive remote equipment allows the operator to load and position cars accurately from a safe location and eliminates the need for cab control.
The TrainChief®plus+™ is a fully integrated receiver cabinet
installed into the locomotive cab, and has the flexibility to be customized to each locomotive equipment set and application.
These two products offer safety, reliability, and efficiency to your operation, whatever your application may be.
The most common applications for remote controlled locomotives include load outs, switch yards, and maintenance of way equipment for both short line railroads and industrial operations.
The TrainChief®plus+™ is a single receiver enclosure and installed in the protective enclosure of the locomotive cab. It is suited for extremely harsh environments and locomotives without MU connectivity.
It’s easily adapted to locomotives with different voltage types, brake stands or throttles. The TrainChief®plus+™ allows the incorporation of options such as speed control, headlight control, man down remote notification, speed limiting, and engine protection.
We meet or exceed FRA CFR 229.15 with the TrainChief®plus+™ product line.
The flexibility of options offered allows us to customize to each unique application.
Operator control for the MU&Go®plus+™ and TrainChief®plus+™ systems
is provided by the Control Chief Load Out Management Console and the Durable Lightweight OCU family of transmitters, available in three transmitter styles.
These units share similar functionality with modifications to accommodate difference in operational workflow.
The Load Out Management Console is a permanent centralized operational station.
Operator HMI displays actual air pressures and commanded positions of throttle, direction, and more.
The console can interface to load-out control to govern loading processes, and is compatible with both the MU&Go®plus+™ and TrainChief®plus+™. Ideal for loop tracks and other applications with a control booth for load-out operations. The Load Out Management system has many customizable configurations available.
Locomotive remote control offers a safe and cost effective way to control your operation capitalizing on your best return on investment for years to come.
Control Chief products are backed by 24/7 customer connected service, so you can be assured that our quality products have maximum uptime and dependability.
The MU&Go®plus+™ incorporates Safety Triad technology with Control Chief tried and true engineering
TrainChief®plus+™ provides the flexibility to be customized to each locomotive equipment set and application.
Load-Out Management System
The Load Out Management System from Control Chief Corporation is the ideal load-out solution for coal, grain and aggregate applications.