Your response time saves lives.
Picture This:
A Four Alarm Fire.
Crew loaded and ready to go… and the remote control for the overhead door isn’t working right….
It adds at least 60 seconds to your response time.
That’s 60 seconds that could have saved a life.
It’s a concern we’ve heard from Fire Departments
and First Responders all over the country.
We’ve got a durable, affordable, and reliable overhead door remote control system that can be programmed to open from one to one thousand doors with just one remote.
ACCESS 1000™
Industrial Overhead Door Remote Control
With the capability of opening 1 to 1,000 doors or gates, with just one rugged transmitter, the Access 1000™ is undoubtedly the best industrial overhead remote control door opener on the market. Without specific ID codes, transmitters and receivers can be added to any facility with ease.
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